Friday, January 8, 2010

Where are the fill and drain holes for gear oil for a scooter (Tomos Nitro 150) with a cvt transmission?

GY6 150cc engine oil change video鈥?/a>Where are the fill and drain holes for gear oil for a scooter (Tomos Nitro 150) with a cvt transmission?
the guy above is an idiot


yes there is cogs

the cvt referres to the bit before the cogs

if you look at your bike you will see the transmission

now by the wheel by the transmission there will be either two or a number of nuts, one might even say the type of oil in it!

first you need to undo the nut the is at the bottom and drain it out, once it has done

put it back on,

further above there should be another bolt hole, refil in that one until it starts to drip outWhere are the fill and drain holes for gear oil for a scooter (Tomos Nitro 150) with a cvt transmission?
hard to find, aren't they.... the link above is good, different scooter in the youtube, but still applies. on the tomos nitro 150, the drain bolt is the lowest on the left side of the scoot,

under the tranny, you'll see a small raised metal area just in front of it, to protect it.

if you picture the drain at 6 o'clock, the fill is at about 4. it's one of the larger bolts.

if you're uncertain, I can get a photo to you. good luck
ummm, it has a cvt transmission..... belts, no cogs.... no oil,

being a 4stroke it takes engine oil though

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