Friday, January 8, 2010

Does manual steering box in a 1966 Fairlane take grease or 90w gear oil?

oil in box grease at jointsDoes manual steering box in a 1966 Fairlane take grease or 90w gear oil?
Thats an nice good old year of an car !

I owned one myself back in 74. Its 90 Weight oil and their is an cap on top kinda like an engine oil drain pan plug Bolt. Just remove it and fill till nearly full. (Steering gear Box.)

Best of luck and God blessDoes manual steering box in a 1966 Fairlane take grease or 90w gear oil?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this! I am rebuilding my power steering box right now and it's great to see your photos.There are descriptions is not too much,though and that would be helpful.
    Steering Rack
